Top : H&M
necklace : boohoo
hat and cardigan : pimkie
leggins : h&m
wedge shoes : miss KG
Hello ! Bienvenue dans mon petit monde où je partage des looks, des coups de coeurs, ma vie avec mon fils et des bons plans :)
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Cette série photos est géniale 🙂
J’adore ce que tu portes et j’aime bcp ta photo de bannière!
Very chic…I like that these images are edgy and oh so electric
stunning pics!
you look gorgeus!
love this look! very chic!
Love the hat, it really completes the outfit.
I’m loving this outfit! the hatn looks really cute on you!
pls visit and follow my blog on
On ne voit pas bien les fringues , mais la tenue en elle-même est très jolies , et les photos sont très cool !
Passe sur mon blog 🙂
<3 these photos!
& I’m going to paris end of february, would you know of anywhere fashiony i should visit??
these black and white photos are gorge!!! i love your necklace 🙂
Great pictures and your style!
you look so pretty in these photos! i always love black and white 🙂
fantastic blog ! mind to check my blog? 🙂
thanks for follow.. I follow u back
i love your necklace but im afraid we don’t have ‘boohoo’ shop in poland
you look great as always! 😉
Great pics!
I’m a new follower on Bloglovin.
I hope that become my follower too!
Great outfit!
I love the cardigan <33
très très jolies photos…
I really love the way you mix your outfit and your photos. that’s awesome!! 🙂
would you like to follow each other?
Thanks for following my blog! I am now following yours! I love the black! =)
youre so cute!! love your style. this is such a cute outfit <3 thank you so much for your comment on our blog! we really appreciate it!
hope you’ll come back & visit us again soon!
xo, camilla & valerie
Nice hat!!
x fashionnerdic
I love black and white photos!! Beautiful outfit! xxooxoxo
LOve your outfit and the person that took the picture also did a good job.
great shots! 🙂
Amazing outfit !!
i love your style
check my blog 😉
That’s a cool outfit!
i love this! it’s quite parisian (:
Thank you for such a ovey comment. I adore our style, great pictures!
The Flower Girl
Thank you! I love your style too!
You loom very beautiful in everyphoto!
I follow you, lovely blog!^.^
I really love the outfit! This post is beautiful with those black&white photos!
great outfit! i love your necklaces!
Gorgeous black & white photos! xx
you look amazing! love the black and white! xx
J’adore ton blog, tes tenues et tes photos
Beautiful photos!
Black and White photos always have something special
this is a great look! i love how you made the pictures black and white too!!
DUuuude,these pictures are really COOLZ ♥
Tchuuss (:
i love your pictures!! they are kind of amazing.
who takes them for you?
I loved this, great!!
Fantastic post!!